Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Sectional Struggle, Reborn: 1848-1854

APUSH Study Guide 17 The Sectional Struggle, Reborn, 1848-1854 Themes/Constructs: The sectional conflict over the expansion of slavery that erupted after the Mexican War was temporarily silenced by the Compromise of 1850, but Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 re-ignited the issue again. In the 1850s American expansion in the West and the Caribbean was extremely controversial because it was tied to the slavery question. The acquisition of territory from Mexico created acute new dilemmas concerning the expansion of slavery, especially for the two major parties, which had long tried to avoid the issue. The antislavery Free Soil Party pushed the issue into the election of 1848. The application of gold-rich California for admission to the Union forced the controversy into the Senate, which engaged in stormy debate over slavery and the Union. After the untimely death of President Taylor, who had blocked a settlement, Congress resolved the crisis by passing the delicate Compromise of 1850. The compromise eased sectional tension for the moment, although the Fugitive Slave Law aroused opposition in the North. As the Whig Party died, the Democratic Pierce administration became the tool of proslavery expansionists. Controversies over Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Gadsden Purchase showed that expansionism was closely linked to the slavery issue. The desire for a northern railroad route led Stephen Douglas to ram the Kansas-Nebraska Act through Congress in 1854. By repealing the Missouri Compromise and making new territory subject to â€Å"popular sovereignty† on slavery, this act aroused the fury of the North, sparked the rise of the Republican Party, and set the stage for the Civil War. Terms/names/topics: Gen. Lewis Cas ‘popular sovereignty’ Zachary Taylor Free Soil Party ‘conscious Whigs’ Martin Van Buren Election of 1848 ‘gold fever’ California Constitution (1849) Texas boundary dispute Underground Railroad‘stations’‘passengers’ ‘conductors’ Harriet Tubman ‘Immortal Trio’—Clay, Calhoun, Webster â€Å"Great Pacificator†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Great Nullifier† Millard Fillmore Nashville Convention Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Law (1850) Franklin Pierce—‘second dark horse’ Winfield Scott (Whig) Election of 1852 Jefferson Davis—Secretary of War ‘slavocrats’ William Walker Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) Cuban â€Å"filibustering expeditions† Ostend Manifesto Crimean War Gadsden Purchase (1853) Stephen A. Douglas Repeal of the Missouri Compromise Kansas-Nebraska Bill (1854) The new Republican Party Past APUSH essay questions from this area of study: 1. Although historically represented as distinct parties, the Federalists and Whigs, in fact, shared a common political ideology, represented many of the same interest groups, and proposed similar programs and policies. Assess the validity of this statement. (FRQ, 1991) 2. Discuss the impact of territorial expansion on national unity between 1800 and 1850. (FRQ, 1997) APUSH Study Guide 18 The Road to War, 1854-1861 Historian’s view: James McPherson, from Ordeal By Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction (1992) â€Å"The social and political strains produced by rapid growth provoked repeated crises that threatened to destroy the republic. From the beginning, these strains were associated mainly with slavery. The geographical division of the country into free and slave states ensured that the crisis would take the form of sectional conflict. Each section evolved institutions and values based on its labor system. These values in turn generated ideologies that justified each section’s institutions and condemned those of the other. â€Å"For three-quarters of a century the two sections [North and South] coexisted under one flag because the centripetal forces of nationalism—the shared memories of a common struggle for nationhood—proved stronger than the centrifugal forces of sectionalism. But as early as 1787, conflict over slavery at the constitutional convention almost broke up the Union before it was fairly launched. † Themes/Constructs: A series of major North-South crisis in the late 1850s culminated in the election of the antislavery Republican Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in 1860. His election caused seven southern states to secede from the Union and form the Confederate States of America. The 1850s were punctuated by successive confrontations that deepened sectional hostility until it broke out in the Civil War. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin fanned northern antislavery feelings. In Kansas, proslavery and antislavery forces fought a bloody little preview of the Civil War. Buchanan’s support of the proslavery Lecompton Constitution alienated moderate northern Democrats like Douglas. Congressman Brooks’ beating of Senator Sumner aroused passions on both sections. The Democratic Party split along sectional lines, allowing Lincoln to win the four-way 1860 election. Seven southern states quickly seceded and organized the Confederate States of America. As southerners optimistically cast off their ties to the hated North, lame-duck President Buchanan proved unable to act. The last minute Crittenden Compromise failed because of Lincoln’s opposition. Terms/names/topics: Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom’s Cabin Hinton R. HelperImpending Crisis of the South New England Immigrant Aid Company â€Å"Beecher’s Bibles† Burning of Lawrence John BrownPottawatomie Creek Lecompton Constitution â€Å"Bleeding Kansas† Charles SumnerPreston Brooks Election of 1856James Buchanan ‘Nativists’ American PartyKnow-Nothing Party John C. Fremont Dred Scott decision Panic of 1857 Abortive Homestead Act (1860) Tariff of 1857 Lincoln-Douglas debates Freeport Doctrine John BrownHarper’s Ferry Charleston Nominating Convention John C. Breckenridge Constitutional Union Party Republican Party platform (1860) Election of 1860 Secession of South Carolina Jefferson Davis â€Å"lame duck† interlude Crittenden Compromise Self-determination Southern nationalism Past APUSH essay questions from this area of study: 1. To what extent was President-elect Abraham Lincoln responsible for the defeat of the Crittenden proposal on the territorial expansion of slavery? (DBQ, 1974—Mr. D has the documents) 2. John Brown’s raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in October 1859, involved only a handful of abolitionists, freed no slaves, and was over in two days. Although many Northerners condemned the raid, by 1863 John Brown had become a hero and martyr in the North. To what extent and in what ways do the views about John Brown expressed in the documents illustrate changing North-South relations between 1859 and 1863? (DBQ, 1982—Mr. D has the documents) 3. Throughout our history, the Supreme Court has acted as a partisan political body rather than a neutral arbiter of constitutional principles. Assess the validity of this generalization for the period 1800-1860. (FRQ, 1984) 4. By the 1850s, the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union it had created. Using the documents and your knowledge of the period 1850-1861, assess the validity of this statement. (DBQ, 1987—Mr. D has the documents) 5. â€Å"I am not, nor have ever been, in favor of bringing about in any way, the social and political equality of the white and black races. † How can this 1858 statement of Abraham Lincoln be reconciled with his 1862 Emancipation Proclamation? (FRQ, 1988) 6. Analyze the ways in which supporters of slavery in the nineteenth century used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery. (FRQ, 1995) . Assess the moral arguments and political actions of those opposed to the spread of slavery in the context of TWO of the following: (FRQ, 2000) Missouri Compromise Mexican War Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act 8. Analyze the effectiveness of political compromise in reducing sectional tensions in the period 1820 to 1861. (FRQ, 2004) APUSH Study Guide 19 Building the War, Fighting the War, 1861-1865 Histori an’s view: James McPherson, from Battle Cry of Freedom (1988)—A view of the Civil War as expanding national power and Northern economic dominance The old federal republic in which the national government had rarely touched the average citizen except through the post-office gave way to a more centralized polity that taxed the people directly and created an internal revenue bureau to collect taxes, drafted men into the army, expanded the jurisdiction of the federal courts, created a national currency and a national banking system, and established the first national agency for social welfare—the Freedmen’s Bureau†¦. These changes in the federal balance paralleled a radical shift of political power from South to North†¦. The accession to power of the Republican Party, with its ideology of competitive, egalitarian, free-labor capitalism, was a signal to the South that Union victory in the war destroyed the southern vision of America and ensured that the northern vision would become the American vision. † Themes/Constructs: Building for War The North effectively brought to bear its long-term advantages of industrial might and human resources to wage a devastating total war against the South. The war helped organize and modernize northern society, while the South, despite heroic efforts, was economically and socially crushed. Lincoln’s skillful political leadership helped keep the crucial Border States in the Union and maintain northern morale, while his effective diplomacy kept Britain and France from aiding the Confederacy. South Carolina’s firing on Fort Sumter aroused the North for war. Lincoln’s call for troops to suppress the rebellion drove four upper South states into the Confederacy. Lincoln used an effective combination of political persuasion and force to keep the deeply divided Border States in the Union The Confederacy enjoyed initial advantages of upper-class European support, military leadership, and a defensive position on its own soil. The North enjoyed the advantages of lower-class European support, industrial and population resources, and political leadership. The British upper classes sympathized with the South and abetted Confederate naval efforts. But effective diplomacy and Union military success thwarted those efforts and kept Britain as well as France neutral in the war. Lincoln’s political leadership proved effective in mobilizing the North for war, despite political opposition and resistance to his infringement on civil liberties. The North eventually mobilized its larger troop resources for war and ultimately turned to an unpopular and unfair draft system. Northern economic and financial strengths it to gain an advantage over the less-industrialized South. The changes in society opened new opportunities for women, who had contributed significantly to the war effort in both the North and the South. Since most of the war was waged on Southern soil, the South was left devastated by the war. Fighting the War The Civil War, begun as a limited struggle over the Union, eventually became a total war to end slavery and transform the nation. After several years of seesaw struggle, the Union armies under U. S. Grant finally wore down the Southern forces under Robert E. Lee and defeated the Confederate bid for independence as well as the institution of slavery. The Union defeat at Bull Run ended Northern complacency about a quick victory. George McClellan and other early Union generals proved unable to defeat the tactically brilliant Confederate armies under Lee. The Union naval blockade put a slow but devastating noose around the South. The political and diplomatic dimensions of the war became critical. In order to retain the border states, Lincoln first de-emphasized any intention to destroy slavery. But the Battle of Antietam in 1862 enabled Lincoln to prevent foreign intervention and turn the struggle into a war against slavery. Blacks and abolitionists joined enthusiastically in a war for emancipation, but white resentment in part of the North created political problems for Lincoln. The Union victories at Vicksburg in the West and Gettysburg in the East finally turned the military tide against the South. Southern resistance remained strong, but the Union victories at Atlanta and Mobile assured Lincoln’s success in the election of 1864 and ended the last Confederate hopes. The war ended the issues of disunion and slavery, but at a tremendous cost to both North and South. Terms/names/topics: Building For War â€Å"Butternut region† â€Å"King Wheat and King Corn vs. King Cotton† Trent Affair (1861) CSS Alabama Charles Francis Adams Laird Rams Southern States’ Rights Lincoln’s arbitrary powerhabeas corpus Federal conscription power New York draft riots â€Å"bounty brokers† â€Å"rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight† Income tax Morrill Tariff Act National Banking System Homestead Act (1862) Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Clara Barton Dorothea Dix Sally Tompkins Fighting the War â€Å"On to Richmond† Bull Run (Manassas Junction) â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson Gen. George McClellan The Peninsula Campaign Shenandoah Valley â€Å"Jeb† Stuart Seven Days’ Battles â€Å"Total War† â€Å"Blockade running† 2nd Battle of Bull Run Gen. John Pope Antietam Emancipation Proclamation 13th Amendment Fort Pillow, Tenn. Gen. A. E. Burnside Fredericksburg, Va. â€Å"Fighting Joe† Hooker Chancellorsville, Va. Gen. George G. Meade Gettysburg, Penn. Gen. George Pickett Ulysses S. Grant Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Tenn. Battle of Shiloh David G. Garragut Port Hudson Vicksburg Chattanooga Gen. William T. Sherman Atlantaâ€Å"March to Savannah† Election of 1864 Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the Warâ€Å"Radical Republicans† Copperheads Union Party Andrew Johnson Battles in the Wilderness Hampton Roads, Va. Appomattox Courthouse John Wilkes Booth English Reform Bill (1867) Past APUSH essay questions from this area of study: There have been no DBQ or FRQ questions from this area of study. APUSH Study Guide 20 Reconstruction, 1865-1877 Historian’s view: William A Dunning, Reconstruction: Political and Economic (1907)—A view of Reconstruction as a national disgrace. Few episodes of recorded history more urgently invited thorough analysis than the struggle through which the southern whites, subjugated by adversaries of their own race, thwarted the scheme which threatened permanent subjection to another race†¦. The most rasping feature of the new situation to the old white element of the South was the large predominance of northerners and negroes in position of political power†¦. The most cunning and malignant enemy of the United States could not have timed differently this period of national ill-repute; for it came with the centennial of American independence†¦ Kenneth Stamp, The Era of Reconstruction (1965)—A favorable view of Reconstruction. Finally, we come to the idealistic aim of the radicals to make southern society more democratic, especially to make the emancipation of Negroes something more than an empty gesture. In the short run this was their greatest failure†¦. Still, no one could quite forget that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were now part of the federal Constitution†¦. Thus, Negroes were no longer denied equality by the plain language of law, as they had been before radical reconstruction, but only by coercion, by subterfuge, by deceit, and by spurious legalisms†¦. The blunders of that era, tragic though they were, dwindle into insignificance. For it was worth four years of civil war to save the Union, it was worth a few years of radical reconstruction to give the American Negro the ultimate promise of equal civil and political rights. Themes/Constructs: Johnson’s political blunders and southern white recalcitrance led to the imposition of Congressional military Reconstruction on the south. Reconstruction accomplished some good, such as the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, but it left behind a legacy of racial and sectional bitterness. With the Civil War over, the nation faced the difficult problems of rebuilding the South, assisting the freed slaves, reintegrating the southern states into the Union, and deciding who would direct the Reconstruction process. The South was economically devastated and socially revolutionized by emancipation. As slaveowners reluctantly confronted the end of slave labor, blacks took their first steps in freedom. Black churches and freedmen’s schools helped the former slaves begin to shape their own destiny. The new President Andrew Johnson was politically inept and personally contentious. His attempt to implement a moderate plan of Reconstruction, along the lines originally suggested by Lincoln, fell victim to Southern whites’ severe treatment of blacks and his own political blunders. Republicans imposed harsh military Reconstruction on the south after their gains in the 1866 Congressional elections. The Southern states reentered the Union with new radical governments, which rested partly on the newly enfranchised blacks, but also had support from some sectors of southern society. These regimes were sometimes corrupt but also implemented important reforms. The divisions between moderate and Radical Republicans meant that Reconstruction’s aims were often limited and confused, despite the important Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Embittered whites hated the radical governments and mobilized the Ku Klux Klan to restore white supremacy. Congress impeached Johnson but failed to convict him. In the end, the poorly conceived Reconstruction policy failed disastrously. Terms/names/topics: Exodusters Black Baptists churches African Missionary Association Freedmen’s Bureau 10% Plan—Lincoln Wade-Davis Bill Radicals Johnson’s Reconstruction plans Black Codes Sharecroppers â€Å"whitewashed rebels† Civil Rights Bill Fourteenth Amendment Congressional elections, 1866 Radicals in the Senate Thaddeus Stevens Moderate Republicans Military Reconstruction Act Fifteenth Amendment Ex parte Milligan (1866) â€Å"scalawags† â€Å"carpetbaggers† KKK ‘literacy tests’ Tenure of Office Act Edwin M. Stanton Past APUSH essay questions from this area of study: 1. The unpopular ideas and causes of one period often gain popularity and support in another, but the ultimate price of success is usually the alteration or subversion of the original ideas and programs. For the period 1830-1877, discuss this statement with reference to both (a) the ideas and activities of abolitionism and (b) the policies of the Republican party. (FRQ, 1978). . How do you account for the failure of Reconstruction (1865-1877) to bring social and economic equality of opportunity to the former slaves? (FRQ, 1983) 3. Discuss the political, economic, and social reforms introduced in the South between 1864 and 1877. To what extent did these reforms survive the Compromise of 1877? (FRQ, 1992) 4. In what ways and to what extent d id constitutional and social developments between 1860 and 1877 amount to a revolution? Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1860 to 1877 to answer the question. (DBQ, 1996—Mr. D has the documents)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Child Pornography: Canada vs. Japan Essay

â€Å"We think that child pornography, in any form, promotes values and sends the message that it is OK to sexually abuse children. It helps paedophiles to justify their ideas or behaviour and it desensitizes society as a whole.† ( 1995. John Carr, a United Kingdom government adviser. ) The classification of sexual exploration , the governments laws, and landmark cases all play a part in how the people perceive child pornography. â€Å"Japan is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of child pornography and the second biggest consumer after the U.S.† (Justin McCurry, Japan to Outlaw Possession of Child Porn, GUARDIAN, Mar. 10,2008) In Japan they have a very lose definition of child pornography where as in Canada it is firm and unbending. There are many different types of sexual exploitation in Japan involving minors, some are considered illegal and wrong but most comply with the country’s laws. Adult anime or Hentai is one of the most popular forms of pornography in Japan. It is in a cartoon format and can therefore show graphic sexual activities without being subject to the same laws as live films. They feature mainly young school girls or boys and are not considered child porn. Since it is not classified as illegal anime pushes many boundaries that movies could not. Hentai commonly involves rape(Goukan Purei â€Å"Rape play†) , bondage( Broken Dolls), and Lolicon with involves sexual encounters with prepubescent girls. There are video games based on these fantasies called â€Å"bishÃ… jo games† or â€Å" pretty girl games†. Many Asian cultures have an obsession with child like women. Women show in all media are small and frail, helpless and have very high voices. This shows a value message in Japan, that women are meant to seem young and child like and innocent . In Canada there is a rigid definition of pornography written in the Code. It includes all material computer generated or actors. It can be defined depicting or promoting sexual abuse of a child, a sexual act or the genital organs of children. It exists in three main forms, visual, audio and text. Canada is very intolerant of it and has strict laws in place to prevent the production, distribution, and possession of child pornographic materials. Under article 175 in the Criminal Code , Japanese laws states that it is illegal to sell, display to the public, and distribute child pornographic material. Child pornography was banned in Japan in 1998 by the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. The enforcement of this act began in 1999 and it was first amended in 2003. Films and pictures depicting sexual organs are against the law but company’s have found ways around it that are perfectly legal and just as inappropriate. The body parts are merely made fuzzy and according to the law may be sold to the public. Many of the Japanese politicians appear to be indifferent to this issue unfortunately. They believe that it would contravene with the fundamental freedom of speech and expression. The Japanese have historically be lax on this subject in 1996 it was brought before the UN conference in Sweden. The public began to put heavy pressure on Japan to reform their laws and the government was forced to act. Despite the law stating that the sale, display, and distribution of the pornography is illegal the possession of it is not. In 2008 the government begin a campaign to amend the act to pronounce the possession of child pornographic items illegal as well. This change was spearheaded by former American ambassador to Japan, J. Thomas Schieffer and the bill is waiting at the Japanese parliament ( Diet) since 2009. While the government in Japan struggles to control the controversial media with new bills and enforcement of the laws Canada is very sure of its position in this matter. The Canadian Criminal Code includes child pornographic material under Part 5 : Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct: Offences Tending to Corrupt Morals. Section 163 of the Code describes child porn as â€Å"a visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means†, that â€Å"shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity†, or â€Å"the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years.† ( C-64. Canadian Criminal Code. Section 163.1) Canadian government has recently introduced a bill to crack down on child porn on the internet, if passed it would b ecome on of the only countries in the world to restrict access to child porn online. This bill includes accessing, creating, and selling the material and would carry a possible 5 year prison sentence. Japan is the official child pornography capital of the world. It produces about four fifths of all the films, books, and magazines that are distributed worldwide. The Japanese National Police recently composed a report showing that there was a dramatic rise in criminal cases last year surrounding child pornography. There was 1455 reported cases involving children under 18. In Canada unlike Japan, Hentai is considered a form of child pornography and can be charged in court for the possession of it. On Monday January 20th 2012. Jeffrey Bedford, 41 , was sentenced to six months in jail for having over 1,100 images of animated child pornography on his computer. Police confiscated his laptop and found 1,135 sexual pictures of young girls aged four to fourteen. Bedford pleaded guilty but his lawyer asked the judge to consider that the girl were electronic cartoon and not real people. â€Å"It’s not the situation where an actual young person is victimized,’’ said his lawyer, Bruce Ritter. However the judge disagreed and stated that anime is the same as actually photographs and the purpose of the photos are the same. This is the problem that plagues Japan, is adult amine porn? Most people in North America would argue yes but it has been so deeply entwined in Japanese society that it is not seen as an illegal act. The contrast between Japan and Canada when discussing child pornography is extremely apparent . Japan has few laws and even fewer that are strictly enforced while Canada abides by a solid definition and set of laws restricting any contract with the taboo material. The numerous aliases of child porn , the country’s laws, and important legal cases are factors in shaping the country’s view on child pornography. Works Cited Umeda, Sayuri. â€Å"Japan: child pornography–Child Pornography Law Amendment discussed.† Global Legal Monitor (2010). Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Child porn law struck down.† Canadian News Facts 1 Jan. 1999: 5804. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"The darker side of cuteness.† The Economist [US] 8 May 1999: 32. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 Page, Barnaby. â€Å"Canada Considers Tough Online Child Porn Laws.† TechWeb 16 Mar. 2001. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Tough on child porn.† Maclean’s 7 Dec. 2009: 8. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Outraged innocence; Child pornography in Japan.† The Economist [US] 20 Mar. 2010: 55EU. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Child-porn case goes to top court.† Canadian News Facts 16 June 1999: 5892. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012–six-month-sentence-sends-strong-message-about-animated-child-porn

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Leadership - stratigic communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership - stratigic communication - Essay Example These researches have also found that the absence of the negative qualities of arrogance, hostility, boastfulness, egotism, and passivity are correlated with positive leadership (Romney, 1996). A leader must stand firm even in the presence of criticisms, but still having the courage to admit his mistakes. Leaders are good listeners. An effective leader listens emphatically and welcomes ideas and inputs from the team. This promotes harmony within the team. Leaders are good decision makers. An effective leader, who is focused, authentic, courageous and emphatic, must also have the proper timing in making and executing decisions. A great leader uses time as his ally. Leaders prioritize and move with appropriate speed. Time management is the important parts of good leadership. It is also important to set an example to the team through proper time management. Building a strong leadership is all about building a performing team. Leadership needs to earn the trust of its team and the leaders have confidence in their team. A leader is always pleasant and friendly to all his team members. Above all a good leader is always generous in praising and recognizing each individual who is a performer and appreciate all contributions, big and small. A leader must project fearlessness in facing challenges (Smith, 2005). Leadership is all about communicating to people their worth and potential. It is the influence on others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their potential, that truly defines leadership (Khan, 2005). Leadership is influence. Leadership is important because it influences the destiny of people. Leadership also determines, to a large extent, what a group of people will be able to achieve. Leadership moves people towards common goals, principles and values. G ood leadership enables people to work together well, and realize their potential. Good leadership results in strong

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A response - Essay Example According to Braun, Justin possessed innate superman’s powers. This is because he could sing, dance and play instruments flawlessly. (Widdicombe 1). As Beibers’ manager, he was able to re-live his childhood dream of becoming a different kind of a superhero (Widdicombe 1) . It is imperative to note that he took his time to study the careers of influential people such as David Geffen who at one point worked in William Morris mailrooms but become a co-founder of the Dream Works. Marketing in this context is the strategies to gain and maintain publicity, fame and success as realized by Beiber and his manager. Their success shows how good marketing can turn over the outcomes of a project. Anything that Justin touches receives a ‘Midas’ touch because it is received positively by the public. In essence, there is nothing negative about Beiber in the context of this industry. Braun has received widespread recognition since the time when he discovered Justin Beiber on YouTube (Widdicombe 1) through his efforts; he made the first successful YouTube superstar (Widdicombe 1). His online influence and off-line marketability are flawlessly entangled. His YouTube channel has close to three billion views, while on Twitter, he acquires a new follower each second. One tweet from Justin can drive his supporters into performing stunning feats (Widdicombe 1). This shows how strong marketing skills can influence the celebrity status of an artist. Beibers position has realized remarkable following that is capable of influencing the market trends of products such as perfumes or the awareness creation on major world issues. Today, his influence as a global brand eclipses his status as an artist. Nonetheless, he still was new songs that his fans are waiting for anxiously. Beibers unprecedented growth has also propelled Braun’s career as he has secured successful

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Black Liberation Army Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Black Liberation Army - Term Paper Example The history of the Black Liberation Army dates back to the 1960s, when the Black Panthers Party (BPP), which was another wing of the African American elites, especially from high-class colleges, had proven to be too soft in advocating for the liberation of the blacks (Klehr, 1991). Thus, after the BPP was infiltrated by the FBI and the police, so much so that it was being divided and weakened, the radical members of the BPP then established the BLA as an underground arm of the BPP. The brutality of the police in handling the members of the BPP when they were arrested, which included beating them senselessly and even killing them, motivated the other members of the BPP to move their liberation a notch higher and invoke violence as a means of achieving their objective (Lazerow, 2006). In addition, the justice system especially in the New York State where the militant group was more active adapted the culture of harsh penalties for the arrested and charged members of the BPP. It is thes e harsh justice penalties that were handed to the members of the party in courts such as long-term prison sentences that gave the remaining members of the BPP a reason to establish an underground armed struggle. Thus, the underground arm of the BPP, which was established in the late 1960s and then consolidated into an attacking group in 1970, now became known as the Black Liberation Army (Macdonald, 1980). The actual formation process of the Black Liberation Army is not entirely known, considering the fact that it followed a series of underground events, only to come to the public limelight after it had perpetrated a series of crimes, which included murders, bombings, robberies and kidnappings (Umoja, 1999). Nevertheless, the fallout between the leadership of the BPP was the major motivation for the establishment of this underground, volatile but acutely

Monday, August 26, 2019

Out group culture experience Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Out group culture experience - Movie Review Example I am a Chinese national and would very often compare my socio-cultural with what happens in United States of America. Every year from the movie, many people hope to land in the USA from Southern as well as Central America to evade poverty implications in their countries. They experience a jungle of a nightmare while traveling along a stretch of the desert of ‘death corridor’. Many migrants have perished at this place. The in-group culture identity would range from religion (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism), arts (Kung Fu, traditional dance, acrobatic,) and immigration policies. The Chinese government regulates the issue of immigration; favoring skilled labor to unskilled labor (Diestro-Dopido 2014). The unique hukou system of China distinguishes Chinese internal migration from migration in other developing countries; China founded the global hukou system, which restricted the mobility of the people. It aims to tie farmers to land, secure agricultural supply.The in-group experience is more pleasing and reliable. The cultural activities in China enhance peace and harmony in the soc iety because people meet very often to participate. There are many advantages of in-group because of a common language- a contributor to unity (Pedzich

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Rose for Emily- William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Rose for Emily- William Faulkner - Essay Example The town people felt sorry for her and left her alone other than their speculations about her which could not be confirmed until they entered her house after her death. After her funeral, they went to inspect the upstairs of her house and found the male maid there, but he was dead in bed and he had piece of her hair on a pillow found beside him. They were both shocked and amazed that she was an eccentric as they had believed adding validity to the gossip. The fast paced story telling emphasizes the gossipy and uncertain nature if her life’s story. When Emily was alive, it was almost a past time of the town as a topic of gossip and speculation, but after her death she became almost a famous legend of the town and the story would continue to be told now as truth rather than gossip. The story ends with the town unsure of what to do or believe ending almost as mysteriously as it began. This perspective epitomizes the sense of small town gossip giving a feel for the town she lived in with the ironic twist that these busybodies were right about her the entire time and yet she was able to commit the perfect murder right under their watch. Works Cited Booth, Alison, J. Paul, and Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007. Print.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sources of capital Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sources of capital - Assignment Example Another way through which NFPs raise funds is Grant funding which includes the funds that are awarded to NFPs by the government sector or by organizations that are charitable in nature (Landskroner, 2002). For example World Health Organization may provide a local NGO located in Pakistan with funds for the eradication of poverty in deserving areas of Pakistan. Both For Profit and NFPs can even use Loan financing and equity capital to raise funds for business. Loan financing refers to the money that is borrowed by an organization from another financial organization such as the banks (Zelman, 2009). Equity finance is the capital that is raised by both the organizations by the sale of certain amount of shares of the organization to external investors. Trading or sale of assets is even means through which both kinds of organizations raise capital. Trading is the sale of goods and services in return for money and fixed assets are the assets such as land and furniture that may be sold by or ganizations to raise capital. All these sources have finance have various pros as well as cons associated with them. The main advantage of raising funds through fundraising activities is that the money that is raised does not need to be returned and the organization does not need to provide an account of where and how it was spend. But the downside of this method is that holding fundraising programs is quite expensive. In case of grants, the money does not need to be returned but the not for profit organization has to provide an account of where and how the money was spent. The upside of loan financing is that ample amount of money can be raised at a very small period of time but the loan repayment makes the method expensive. In case of equity, there is an increase in partnership due to which the not for profit organization may lose its sight of working for the wellbeing of others. The problem with trading and sale of fixed assets is that there are certain tax

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critical Review of Communicative Learning in teaching methodology Essay

Critical Review of Communicative Learning in teaching methodology - Essay Example Communicative language teaching is critically reviewed. With an emphasis on understanding its basic tenets and the advantages that it offers to the language learning process. Communicative language teaching is an approach towards language teaching. It is entrenched in the belief that the primary purpose of language is communication (Brandl, 2008). Therefore, the approach aims to equip its learners with an ability to communicate. There are two categories of the communicative approach. The weak component involves an overt pedagogy of language forms that develops the learner’s ability to use the same for communication. The strong communicative approach on the other hand inclines towards furnishing the learner with experiences through which the learner develops proficiency in the use the language. According to Richards, there are four principles through which the approach can be understood (2005). These are: the mode of learning of a language, the goals of teaching language, the types of classroom activities that promote learning, and what the roles of teachers and learners are in the classroom. The communicative approach is therefore a broad one that encompasses a wide range of activities which are meant to improve the overall language acquisition process. It is also referred to as the functional approach or the notional-functional approach (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). The end result is learner’s achieving communicative competence. The communicative approach developed as an alternative to the grammar-translation method. This previous approach indulged learners in a frenzy of vocabulary and rule grasping, with the outcome being a limited oral proficiency (Brandl, 2008). In order to atone for this shortcoming, the students would then travel to the language’s country of origin so as to acquaint themselves through practice. Owing to this significant

Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Restaurant - Essay Example World Famous restaurant does not do this. Believe it or not, they have a selection on their menu that is priced at $2.50 which is the Grilled Chicken Taco. Now, that is a third world pricing with a lousy quality of food and ambience but this is right the beach side of San Diego in the United States. The priciest that they have is Blackened Prime Rib Bits creamy horseradish  at $9.75. One might wonder how the restaurant can sustain itself with the price of their food or that the food may be lousy considering with the price. Surprisingly, the restaurant is modestly profitable. It is able to make money despite its low price due to continuous patronage. It never runs out of customer. So it makes money by scale. Its food is surprisingly good also at its price. Of course it is not 5 star quality but it could pass for a 3 star quality at a third world country price. Service and facility is also okay, ambiance is excellent. No wonder people line up just to get a seat in the restaurant and why it is World

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Language Use in Kaskus Essay Example for Free

Language Use in Kaskus Essay A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Computer-mediated communication refers to any form of communication enabled through the use of computers. In the computer-mediated communication literature, the term generally refers to communication modalities dependent on computer-based networks or meta-networks, particularly the Internet and commercial online services. Language plays an important role in the communication activities in the computer-mediated communication. The language itself is used by people as a communication tool. Specifically, as i mentioned above that computer mediated communication (CMC) is about anything(communication) that use computer as a media to transfer information, to talk with other persons, to discuss issues or something like that. While we know that on CMC, for right now internet with its world wide web (network) is the only tool and the only way to get connected with others, i don’t see any alternative beside internet. In internet there are many people with different language background, different social background and of course different culture and manners. What’s become my curiousity is how people with these so many differences talking and discussing to each others, how can they understand each others without being rude to others. But i’m not going to conduct a linguistic research of language use in the internet generally globally, because there has been a lot of research on this subject. But, what becomes my interest is how indonesian people with different social and culturul background talking and disccussing a topic in Kaskus, one of the biggest and largest online forum in Indonesia. Kaskus, with more than two millions users from all over indonesia is a populer online service to discuss and to sell products. Kaskus has an easy  peasy access, has a discussion thread about almost everything like computer, books, entertainment and many more. Kaskus user are from all over indonesia which have different culture and social background, in this case sometimes user doesn’t pay attention to the forum rules, nettiquette and sometimes being sarcastic, i’ve found this several time in kaskus. This case indicating that some of user do not know the nettiquete and language rules used in kaskus forum. So why i’m here try to observe and doing a research on how kaskuser (kaskus user) use the language, what style are used, and what kind of expressions in kaskus forum that is used to show respect, manners, and and self expressions like anger, happy etc. B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM From the title and the background of the study i formulate the research questions as follows : 1. What are the general forum rules applied in kaskus? 2. How far kaskuser pay attention to the forum rules in discussion thread? 3. What are the form of languages style used in kaskus? 4. What are the meaning of those language expressions/style? 5. Who use the language? The gender, the age. C. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY This research is aimed to gather information about the language use in kaskus forum, especially how those language are used to express manner and ethical relations between the kaskuser. D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significance of this research is to bring a data to enrich the linguistic analysis in indonesia especially in computer-mediated communication subject. This research is also will be useful for those who use internet as a communcation tool generally and for kaskuser who love to join discussion in kaskus so they are will never again feel worried about being rude to others, bacause this research will bring them information how to use the language properly and how to communicate ethically to others E. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The research is limited only on the language use, the style and the way kaskuser interact with others, the researcher will not analysis where the language comes from and how the language changed. CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. INTERNET Internet, according to Merriam Webster Dictionaries is an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. B. KASKUS Kaskus is an Indonesian internet forum site which claims itself as the largest Indonesian online community. It ranks as the top 10 most popular website in Indonesia (weasel words), positioning at 241 worldwide according to It was established on November 6, 1999, by three Indonesian students (Andrew Darwis, Ronald Stephanus, and Budi Dharmawan) in the United States. In August 2012, Kaskus has more than 4,000,000 registered accounts and more than 650,000,000 total posts. In August 2005 and September 2006, PC Magazine Indonesia voted Kaskus as The Best Indonesian communities twice (2005 2006). Registration is required for new users to participate in the community, and every registered member has access to more than twenty regional and subject-related sub-forums. The community runs on the vBulletin forum software. C. NETTIQUETE Cyberspace contains many different cultures, which some writers have called virtual communities. Each of these communities has its own rules and customs. But many rules apply throughout almost all of cyberspace and the rules of internet is called nettiquete. Nettiquete comes from word Internet and Etiqutte. Virginia Shea Stated that The word etiquette means the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life. Etymologically, it comes from the French word for ticket. If you know the etiquette for a particular group or society, you  have a ticket for entry into it. (Virginia Shea,1994) D. COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION 1. Computer mediated communication (CMC) involves exchanges of information in textual, audio, and/or video formats that are transmitted and controlled by the use of computer and telecommunication technology. It must be noted that CMC is the basis of interpersonal interaction via groupware systems. An interesting definition of CMC is given by December (1997): Computer-Mediated Communication is a process of human communication via computers, involving people, situated in particular contexts, engaging in processes to shape media for a variety of purposes. 2. Chrispin Thurlow, laura lengel and Alice Tomic (2004) define Computer Mediated Communication into 3 cores : a. Communication While trying to ground CMC into a proper understanding we have to know what exactly is communication. * Communication is dynamic, One of the most well known ways of thinking about communication is the idea of a sender, a message and a receiver, in computer terms, might be regarded as an ‘information-processing’ perspective. Instead, communication is better understood as a process which is much more dynamic. The meaning of messages does not reside in words, but is much more fluid and dependent on the context, shifting constantly from place to place, from person to person, and from moment to moment. * Communication is transactional, Even though people still sometimes like to think of communication as the exchange of messages between senders and receivers, communication is really about the negotiation of meaning between people. Individuals are both speakers and listeners and these roles switch back and forth all the time in any one conversation. Once again, this also means that communication is constantly changing as two (or more) people interpret each other and are influenced by what the other says. In other words, it’s a transaction between them. Most theorists would agree that communication simply cannot happen outside human social interaction. It is really only when someone recognizes and/or responds to something you say or do that communication can be said to have occurred. * Communication is multifunctional, Consciously or unconsciously, communication serves many different functions and usually  serves more than one function at any given time. For example, communication may be used to influence people’s behavior or attitudes, to inform people, to seek information, to exert control over people, to befriend or seduce people, to entertain and please people, and so on. Although for the sake of analytical convenience, scholars do sometimes distinguish between the interactional (or relationship-focused) and informational (or content-focused) domains of communication, it’s usually impossible to separate the two. Think about famous chat-up lines like ‘Can I buy you a drink?’ or ‘Do you have the time?’ Although both appear to seek information, the intention is clearly relational! * Communication is multimodal, However important it may be, language is of course just one of many ways we have of communicating. Verbal messages always come packaged with other messages (or ‘metamessages’) formed by different ways of making meaning – what are usually called nonverbal modes of communication. In fact, more often than not it is these other modes of communication which are relied on more than the verbal mode. The best example of this is when someone is lying to us: ‘Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t do it!’ The range of nonverbal codes is vast and accounts for much of the social information we glean: vocal (e.g. tone of voice, accent, volume, pauses), movement (e.g. facial expression, gestures, posture), physical appearance (e.g. height, weight, skin colour), artefacts (e.g. lighting, dà ©cor, fashion), and use of space (e.g. body orientation, touch, distance). b. Mediated Depending on how much we already know about human communication, we will more than likely know that all communication is mediated to some extent or other. According to Chambers’ Twenty-first Century Dictionary, the verb to mediate means to convey or transmit something or to act as a medium for something. In turn, a medium is something by which, or through which, an effect is produced. In other words, mediation is simply the process or means by which something is transmitted – whether it’s a message, a feeling, a sound, or a ghostly apparition! In the case of communication, we’ve already indicated that communication is always channelled by, and dependent on, its context for meaning. Communication is therefore mediated through our interactions with people and by means of any number of different verbal and nonverbal  modes. Communication can never exist in a vacuum.We will probably have heard about the phrase ‘channels of communication’. These can be social (or cultural), psychological (or mental), linguistic (or symbolic) or material (or technical). It’s in this way that scholars usually identify several layers of contextual variables which influence – or mediate – communication. Broadly speaking these fall into three main categories : psychological, e.g. our perceptions, mental maps, and prototypes; social, e.g. our relationships, stereotypes, and individual experiences; cultural, e.g. the myths and ideologies of whole societies of people. c. Computer Having confronted the relative complexity of the terms ‘communication’ and ‘mediated’, it may disappointing to know that even the term computer cannot be taken for granted. Almost everything nowadays involves computers in some way or other, and, consequently, almost everything we do is in some way or other mediated by computers. Think, for example, of the digital technology which drives our telephone exchanges, brings television channels into our homes, tells us the time, and so on. What’s more, with such things as video conferencing, webcams and voice recognition, technological changes are taking us nearer and nearer to the kind of face-to-face (or just FtF) communication we’ve been used to all along. It’s in this way that the computerization, which drives so many areas of our lives, is becoming more and more invisible. Indeed, Pixy Ferris (1997) previously proposed that CMC should also be broad enough to include office automation, â₠¬ ¢ (Chrispin Thurlow, laura lengel and Alice Tomic :2004) CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. RESEARCH APPROACH AND DESIGN The reseacher use qualitative discriptive aproach. Qualitative research refers to inductive, holistic, emic, subjective and process oriented methods used to understand, interpret, describe and develop theory on a phenomenon or a setting and is a systematic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning (Morse Field 1996:199; Burns Grove 1998:35). Brink and Wood (1998:335) cite Benoliel’s (1984) description of qualitative research â€Å"as modes of systematic inquiry concerned with understanding human beings and the nature of their transactions with themselves and with their surroundings†. Leininger (1985:5) defines qualitative research as the methods and techniques of observing, documenting, analysing, and interpreting attributes, patterns, characteristics and meanings of specific, contextual or gestalt features of a phenomenon. B. DATA COLLECTION 1. Data Source The data is mainly taken from discussion thread in kaskus, like discussion thread, results of observations etc. 2. Instrument of Collecting Data * Doing observations * Interview (By Chating and PM or Private Message) * Making a Poll or Voting * Taking screenshot/ image * Questionaire C. DATA ANALYSIS The data will be analyzed using Miles and Huberman Theories where there are 3 Steps in ana lyzing the data : 1. Data Reduction. The data that has been collected from observations, questionaire and interviews are selected and sorted. The data that can represents the theme of the research will be analyzed. 2. Data display The data will be displayed after getting a summarizing. In data display the data that have been reducted then will be compressed, organized without risking the loss of information. 3. Drawing and veryfying conclssion The reasons for reducing and displaying data are to assist in drawing conclussions. While drawing conclussions logically follows reduction and display of data, in fact it takes place more or less concurrently with them. Thus possible conclussions may be noted early in the analysis, but they may be vague and ill-formed at this stage. They are held tentative pending further work, and have been analysed. Conclussions will be in the form of  preposistions, and once they have been drawn, the data need to be verified. D. EXAMPLE OF DATA SAMPLE 1. Red Font Colour 2. The Using of Capital Letters 3. Kaskus emoticon 4. Kaskus Terms Like Agan, Bata, Cendol, Sundul REFERENCES * * Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE. Thousand Oaks. USA. * Thurlow, Crispin. Lengel, Laura. Tomic, Alice. 2004 Computer Mediated Communicatio (Social interaction and The Internet). SAGE. Thousand Oaks. USA. * Shea, Virginia. 2004. Netiqutte. Albions Books, USA

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Teaching Children Technology Skills

Teaching Children Technology Skills Technology and Authentic Learning You have just completed a beginning-of-the-school-year open house for parents. Following your presentation, several parents ask whether you will focus on helping their children develop 21st century technology skills. They ask you to describe several learning experiences you have designed and plan to implement this year. What are two authentic examples of learning with technology that you could share with parents? Provide a rationale for each that describes how the activities will meet educational technology standards and characteristics of meaningful learning with technology. I am the assistant dean of the Beijing Information Science and Technology University College of International Education (BISTU-CIE). I teach IELTS and TOEFL workshops for Chinese ELLs and basic/general English and business English classes for our international ELLs. Most of our international students come from South Korea and the former Soviet Union nation-states. Most of my international ELLs are majoring in international trade. Therefore, I have my business English students do a business plan proposal and presentation. In small groups, students use the Internet to research opportunities and possibilities for starting their own business. They also have to create a business plan indicating their product or service, cost structure, and projected profits or losses for the first, second, third, and fifth years, among other things. They then organize this information into a PowerPoint presentation and present their proposals to the class. Students then vote for the proposal that is the most realistic and plausible and has the best chance of success. I believe this integrates technology with an authentic learning activity that is relevant to their major. This meets the 2016 ISTE standard no. 3, Knowledge Constructor which states, Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others (ISTE, 2016, p.1) and no. 6, Creative Communicator, since the students must use the Internet for research, organize their research using office productivity software such as word processing and spreadsheets, and finally create a digital presentation to be displayed and shared with others. It also fits Newman and Wehlages (1993) definition of authentic learning, which requires students to construct meaning and produce knowledge, inquire to construct meaning, reflect and discuss information, and create or perform tasks that have values of meaning beyond success in school (cited in Cydis, 2015, p. 69) for the same reasons. In my IELTS and TOEFL workshops, students are given speaking prompts taken from actual past tests. Students are given the rubrics the testers use to evaluate their speaking. Students then record their responses on their phones. Then, in pairs or as a class, we listen to the recordings and students evaluate and critique themselves and others according to the rubrics and match their performances to the approximate proficiency band. This activity is authentic because it simulates the speaking portions of the TOEFL and IELTS exams and requires students to put themselves in the shoes of an evaluator and evaluate their speaking skills with a critical ear. It also meets the ISTE (2016) standard 1c, Students will use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice. By listening to recordings of themselves and comparing what they hear against the proficiency band rubrics, students are able to identify strengths and weakness in their own pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, or grammar, and target the weak spots. This gives them control over and ownership of their own learning. References Cydis, S. (2015). Authentic instruction and technology literacy. Journal of Learning Design, 8(1), 68-78. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) (2016). ISTE Standards for Students (2016). Arlington, VA: Author.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Business Plan To Open Retail Store In Bihar Marketing Essay

Business Plan To Open Retail Store In Bihar Marketing Essay We are planning to open Wedding attire and accessories shop named as VIVHA UTSAV in Patna.VIVHA UTSAV is the Wedding attire and accessories shop for brides like no other. While most retail bridal Shops focus on selling Wedding dresses and Accessories for Bride only, we will cater to the mothers of bride, mother of groom, her friends and sisters. Because there is majority of Hindus in Bihar so we will provide dresses and accessories mainly for Hindu brides. OBJECTIVES 1) The primary objective is to provide one-stop-shopping for the wedding. 2) To make wedding shopping easy and enjoyable. 3) To attain a position in Bihar as we have in other states in this sector. MISSION VIVHA UTSAV is a boutique that will provide attire and accessories for not only bride but also for her relatives and friends also. We believe in providing excellent and superior services and making shopping a relaxed and pleasurable experience. We also believe in providing a professional and enjoyable environment to our employees so that they are motivated to be trustworthy and valuable resources to our customer. VISION We want to provide best product and shopping experience to the customer. We want to build strong and long term relationships with our customer. Type of Retailer It will be a specialty store catering only the market for wedding shopping. The attire and accessories will only be for bride and the female member attending marriage. 2) PRODUCTS . We will carry the following different products both the traditional and modern for Wedding occasion which customers can buy according to the way they want:- LEHNGA CHOLIS and SAREES 1) BY TYPE a) Designer lehnga choli: Designner wedding lehnags and sarees , custom made designer lehnga choli and sarees , Crepe designer lehngas and sarees etc. b) Traditional Lehnga Choli:- Traditional Indian cholis, Bandhej lehngas, Bandhni sarees, Tie-dye traditional sarees, c) Embroided Lehngas:- Zari Lehngas and sarees, Kundan Lehngas and sarees ,Trendy sequins lehngas and sarees wear, fancy Neemzari Cholis Kashmiri Work dress. d) Fish cut lehngas cholis, mermaid style, and Circular lehnga choli 2) By Fabric Georgette lehnga choli and sarees,Crepe Lehnga Choli and sarees, Silk Lehnga Choli and sarees, Net lehnga Choli and sarees, Satin lehnga choli and Sarees, Brocade lehnga choli and sarees, Tissue lehnga choli and sarees 3) BY Price and colors: Customer can buy according to different financial rang and colors. JWELLERY and OTHER ACCESSORIES a) Wedding necklace for bride and her relatives and friends. They can have Kundan, Pearl, Studded, Polki, Victorian, Beaded Necklaces and many more. b) Gleaming earrings: Fashion earrings, Hoop Earrings, Long Earrings, top earrings and may more. c) Designer bangles: Adjustable bangles, Fashion bangles, Gold bangles, Stone bangles, Studded bangles and many more. d) American studded jewellary, Antique jewellary, Designer Chains, Gorgeous Bracelets, Scintillating Pendants, Beautiful anklets, Nose rings e) Hair accessories, Footwear and Bags. 3) MARKETING PLAN For the past three years, there are over 25 thousand Weddings annually in Bihar, 35 hundred of which are in Patna. The average cost of a wedding in Patna is near about Rs.10lakh to 15 lakh in high class society and Rs.3 to 5 lakh in mediocre families and it has been increasing consistently by 5% each year. It has highest per capita gross domestic product in Bihar, which is better than the most of the metropolitan area in India. In 2009, World Bank ranked Patna as second best city in India to start a business. There many fashion and designer boutique in Patna and all of them are locally owned, single-unit operation. However there is increasing no of players entering in this sector but primary focus of these shops is to provide dresses and accessories for all occasion, no one provide accessories and dresses specially for wedding only. So the market is currently missing a place to find out a good selection of all the items for wedding together at one place. Target market:- We are going to cater the Hindus because they are the majority. The target market is brides, brides mother, grooms mother, bride and grooms sisters, brides friends. Wedding dress and accessories on average comprise about 6.8% of the total wedding expenditure, while attire and accessories for mother sister and friends comprises 7.1% of the total wedding expenditure. So we are also focusing on this 7.1% along with the 6.8%.People have joint families mostly in Bihar and Patna also. So a wedding generally have 2 mothers, 6-10 sisters and friends. Trends in Target market Because of the enhanced livelihood in Patna people dont mind to spend high amount to make the wedding a memorable one, because it is the one time function. People there are now moving toward modernization. They want to have the marriage both in traditional and modern way. Brides, her sister and friends now wanted to wear each accessory matching with their dresses. It is possible only if they shop from the same place. Positioning Strategy Our store will be positioned in customer mind with its name VIVHA UTSAV Wedding Shop. Any who will hear or see this name, ultimately come know that it is a store for wedding shopping. Sales Strategy Our sales strategy is designed in that way that it will lead to close the deal. When a customer will enter in our shop, she will feel that her place in wedding and needs are very important for us. We will make an environment in which shopping for other items will be as significant as the experience of shopping for wedding attire. At Vivha utsav other wedding parties like mother, sister and friends will also gain equal importance and attention as the bride receives. Market Share Initially our market share will be low or modest.But it is expected to grow at a good rate because of our unique niche the Vivha Utsav is targeting SWOT ANALYSIS Strength 1) It is the only store of its own type. While most of the boutiques focus on selling only wedding dresses, we give importance to other items also. 2) We will provide different attendants to bride, mothers, sisters and friends so that they can buy the most appropriate dress and accessories for themselves. 3) Our wide range of clothing style, designer and accessories. Weakness:- 1) We are planning to cater only the market for brides and her female relatives and friends not the groom wear market. so we may not get the attention of some customer because of this reason. 2) Wedding business is a seasonal business. We will have small no of foot falls in the off season Opportunity 1) Increasing trend of buying designer wedding dresses and accessories. 2) At our shop along with bridal dress and accessory focus is on other items also. Our customer will be offered a wide selection of their desired attire, and their needs will be our primary focus. Threats 1) Competitors who already exist in the market may have prices lower than our products. 2) People who already had a wedding in the past may prefer to go to boutique from where they bought in past. Promotional strategy 1) We will start with standard print and online listings in wedding media.We will advertise through local newspaper, matrimonial sites, local weddinh publications 2) We will carry some wedding shows so that the customer can have a look on what we are going to provide them. 3) We will build relationships with marriage consultants, who can refer us to the customer for wedding shopping. 4) We will register ourselves in yellow pages under the bridal sector, so this will act as a standard source for customer to find us. 5) We will also have a website so that the customer who wants to know more about us before shop at our can have all the information which she wants. They can also know about store location and store time. Those who are unable to physically come to place an order can place the order online. 4) OPERATIONAL PLAN Location: We will locate our store in downtown Patna; because of its daily activities it will draw a large no of foot falls into the area. It is a destination shopping area .It also the hub of public transportation and there is high level of pedestrian traffic and it also has a good no of residents living in the area. We have selected the corner of a main intersection with free parking. Store layout: Our store will be two story building. First floor will be for carry dresses and accessories for brides mother, her sister and friends. Second floor will be carrying the dresses and accessories for bride. On both the floor there will be changing and dressing room. Store layout will be free from. It will provide an Intimate, Relaxing environment that will facilitate shopping and Browsing. We will place fixtures holding the latest styles along the perimeter of the stores layout. Flooring and lighting will clearly differentiate the different product areas. The cash counter will be at the exit of the store. Key Supplier We will make contract with different designer, manufacturer of fabrics; different items need to decorate the dresses and other accessories. Other supplier will be for sewing machines, embroidery machine, needles, threads etc. Credit Policy We will not sell anything on credit. When a dress will being made to order, a fifty percent, non refundable deposit will be required. Once the dress is ready, the customer will have to pay the entire due amount before taking the dress from the store. This policy is applied on all other items also. Store management: Vivha Utsav will conduct business on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm and on weekends from 10am to 8 pm. We will have work force including store manager, receptionist, cashier and part time sales associates, who all will be females only, because some customers may feel uncomfortable in the presence of male employee. The store will have three sales associate on weekdays and five sales associate on weekends to avoid problem of traffic in store. Moreover before coming to the store to get the dress and accessories customers will have to take appointment. This will also help avoiding the traffic problem. Sales associate will be paid on hourly bases and the store manager and receptionist will be paid monthly. The working hours will be increased at the season time to accommodate the planned increase in sales, so as their salaries will also increase. Some sales goals will be set for all the employees and when the employees will achieve those goals they will be rewarded monrtarily .To achieve those goals employees will need to do the following things:- a) Pay attention to the customer: customers need to be acknowledges right from the time they enter in the store because everyone, who will step in our store, will be preparing for the big event. They need to be taken seriously immediately because they will not be in our store for fun or casual purpose. b) Keep customer focused: The process of choosing bridal attire and accessories can be a longer one, because it is a very important purchase and there are so many variables like colors, type, fabric etc. so if the sale representative will navigate the customer efficiently through the process it can lead to the desired outcome. c) We will not only sell goods but will also sell shopping experience. Because wedding purchase especially bridal attires are as very emotionally attached and memorable process for bride, her mother and friends. So the employees should try to satisfy them in all possible manners so that the experience becomes a positive one so that they recommend us to their friends and relative for wedding purchase. Merchandising Management The dresses and other accessories will be sold on made-to order basis. So a sample of each product of each style will be kept in store so that customer can try on. If however a customer is satisfied with the floor design she can purchase that product. We will contact the designer who set minimums that is we require purchasing a certain number of sample products. We will keep track of our entire sales in computers in terms of no of times particular is purchased, which type of product is most demanding etc. If some items are selling poorly, they will be discounted, sold off rack or will be replaced by new items. 5) Financial Plan Requirements We will need Rs.50 lakh to get our business off the ground. We are currently seeking funding from outside investors and business loans. In the starting we will raise Rs.15 lakh in equity capital. We are seeking investors for additional Rs. 25 lakh and Rs 10 lakh in loans. Use of Funds Funds will be used to pay for renovations, construction of fitting rooms, sales counter, painting, carpeting, lighting, and dà ©cor and display fixtures. We will also purchase inventory computers, a cash register and inventory management system. The remaining of the Startup funds will be utilized to cover operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, marketing, costs and wages. Profitloss projection Based on our marketing plans, location, store size and product offerings we expect to collect annual sales of Rs.5040000 in 1st year. Our average cost of goods sold will be 40%, which leaves us with a gross margin of 60%.Our monthly fixed cost is estimated to be Rs 113125, so we will need to generate sales of Rs 4, 20,000 monthly to reach the breakeven point. We will become profitable monthly basis after our first year. Break even analysis Particulars Amount(Rs) Sales 5040000 Variable cost 3252000 Contribution(sales-VC) 1788000 Fixed cost 1357500 Net profit 430500 Profit volume Ratio = (Contribution/sales)*100 = (1788000/5040000)*100= 35% BEP point (Rs) =Fixed cost/PV ratio = 1357500/35%= Rs.3826510 BEP Point (months) =BEP point (Rs)/monthly sales = 3826510/420000= 9.11 So we will take 9 months and 4 day to reach the break even sales Cash Flow Projections We will collect immediate payment from customer because we will not give credit to customer, so our cash flow statement will be substantially similar to our income statement. Our cash flow statement will clearly demonstrate our ability to cover all bills.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Music: Its a Way of Life :: Music

After a rough day, when you come home from work, you need something that will make your day better. The best choice you will have is listening to your favorite type of music. You can just turn on your compact disc player and have a great time listening to your music collection. Everyone has a music collection or at least a favorite genre. Did you know that just for English music there are over 10 genres? There is one for everyone. We all have different choices for music, none is better than the other. People these days listen to all kinds of music: hip-hop, classical, country, etc. People are really picky with what they listen to. People don’t want to compromise with what they are listening to, they don’t have to. Approximately, there are over two million songs written and published in the music industry since its birth ( According to the stats shown, we know that people have countless choices of music to choose from these days. Music gives you a variety of choices and beats that you have never heard before. There are approximately 50 albums published every week (Approximately how many songs have been produced in the US and the UK since the music industry was born). Music has become a way of life in some parts of the world. Music has a influence on people all over the world. As we all know, music has been existing for over fifty thousand years (History of classical music traditions). Music is a source of living for a lot of people in this world. People take music as religion in some parts of the globe. Then there are also people that take music as pleasure and business. People now use music to express themselves in public and with friends. Music has a variety of genres, and these genres have a variety of songs. People have become what they listen to. If they like country music, they are called old fashioned people. If they like classical music, they are called band geeks. If they like rock music, they have become middle-aged people. If they like hard rock music, then they have become emos. If they like hip-hop or R&B music, then they are called cool people. If they like jazz and techno music, they are called the twenty’s. The modern music has changed how people live, by categorizing people in groups. When you go to school, there are different groups that the kids have divided themselves into: normal, band geeks, and emos.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Match - Original Writing :: Papers

The Match - Original Writing Drums beating, hearts racing, sweat dripping. Eleven men with their countries hopes on their shoulders, one coach egging them on, one manager with a nervous tick and four subs desperate to get a game, all anticipating the next ninety minutes. Tips and tactics came from the coach, demanding they win the game. â€Å"This is the biggest game of your lives!† And many would agree being the World Cup Final and all, but for one player, number 5, Jamie Lloyd, there was something else worth concentrating on. He sat with his head in his hands, crucial advice washing over him, he could hear voices but he wasn’t listening to a word. His head was spinning, different things whizzed around his mind, and nothing made

Proposed Design for a Garden for the Blind :: Architecture Design Essays

Proposed Design for a Garden for the Blind As a largely visually-reliant society, much of botanical garden design have focused primarily on visual presentation, whether in flower color or in garden composition. Slowly, however, sensory gardens appealing to our more underutilized senses of smell, sound, touch, and even taste are appearing around the country and the globe. While these unique parks may specifically have blind individuals in mind, sensory gardens also appeal to anyone in the general population who would like to expand their sensory horizons. The following is just one proposal for a sensory garden design: The entrance to the garden should be visually, nasally, and tactilely stimulating. A metal gate covered with entangled goldflame honeysuckle vines (Lonicera x heckrottii ) would serve as a colorful, aromatic greeting and give visitors a small taste of the experience to come. These perennial plants also attract hummingbirds and butterflies, whose activities would surely stimulate the ears. The general layout of the garden would include a continuous serpentine path lined with raised plant beds (to minimize stooping and bending) on both sides. The path can even wrap around a standing rectangular planter to maximize usable area. The path would also have several alcoves or nooks, which would give visitors a resting area where they could linger about, smelling flowers and feeling leaf textures. Park benches present throughout the park would accommodate walking visitors who want to simply breathe in the lovely smells of the tea olive tree, for instance. Smooth wood railings on both sides of the path should run all throughout the garden to serve as directional guides. A change in material texture (to a metal, for instance) could be used to indicate an alcove area. Metal plaques in Braille embedded in the edges of the concretealcoves would provide general information about the various plants. These plaques can also have buttons that can be pushed for an audio reading of the inscription. According to the book Sensory Design, uneven pathways heighten our awareness of surfaces by compelling us to use our kinesthetic sense to perceive the changes in the ground. For the disabled, a slow-sloping path (upward and downward) would engage the visitor in using this sensory system. Proposed Design for a Garden for the Blind :: Architecture Design Essays Proposed Design for a Garden for the Blind As a largely visually-reliant society, much of botanical garden design have focused primarily on visual presentation, whether in flower color or in garden composition. Slowly, however, sensory gardens appealing to our more underutilized senses of smell, sound, touch, and even taste are appearing around the country and the globe. While these unique parks may specifically have blind individuals in mind, sensory gardens also appeal to anyone in the general population who would like to expand their sensory horizons. The following is just one proposal for a sensory garden design: The entrance to the garden should be visually, nasally, and tactilely stimulating. A metal gate covered with entangled goldflame honeysuckle vines (Lonicera x heckrottii ) would serve as a colorful, aromatic greeting and give visitors a small taste of the experience to come. These perennial plants also attract hummingbirds and butterflies, whose activities would surely stimulate the ears. The general layout of the garden would include a continuous serpentine path lined with raised plant beds (to minimize stooping and bending) on both sides. The path can even wrap around a standing rectangular planter to maximize usable area. The path would also have several alcoves or nooks, which would give visitors a resting area where they could linger about, smelling flowers and feeling leaf textures. Park benches present throughout the park would accommodate walking visitors who want to simply breathe in the lovely smells of the tea olive tree, for instance. Smooth wood railings on both sides of the path should run all throughout the garden to serve as directional guides. A change in material texture (to a metal, for instance) could be used to indicate an alcove area. Metal plaques in Braille embedded in the edges of the concretealcoves would provide general information about the various plants. These plaques can also have buttons that can be pushed for an audio reading of the inscription. According to the book Sensory Design, uneven pathways heighten our awareness of surfaces by compelling us to use our kinesthetic sense to perceive the changes in the ground. For the disabled, a slow-sloping path (upward and downward) would engage the visitor in using this sensory system.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Philosophy Behind the Leadership Position in a Learning Organization

Imagine this. You have served for years as an assistant to the Principal at a local high school. Recently, the school has become plagued with administrative problems affecting the day to day operations of the school, the quality of education for students, and teacher development. As someone with long-standing experience in that school, you have been promoted to the highest leadership position at that school. Part of your role in the leadership of a learning organization includes policy development, decision making, professional development, and the monitoring of organizational progress. This paper will identify and examine the relevant leadership skills and strategies necessary to develop a successful, thriving learning organization. The philosophy behind the leadership position in a learning organization has emerged in recent years as a concern for parents, teachers and policy-makers alike. Changes must be implemented in the current supervisory process, as the role of leadership in a school setting has progressed from the principal as an instructional leader, to the principal as a transactional leader and, most recently, to the role of transformational leader. High performing leaders have a personal vision for their school and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop, articulate and implement a shared vision that is supported by the larger organization and the school community (Anonymous author, 2001). Numerous studies on the topic have revealed the importance of leadership skills and strategies of the school leader. These studies clearly indicate that improved education for students requires improved leadership and supervisory skills. The leader in a learning organization must develop and administer policies that provide a safe school environment and establish operational plans and processes to accomplish strategic goals. Research indicates that a necessary aspect of policy development is the intertwining of the daily operations of the school to school and student learning goals (Anonymous author, 2001). Additionally, the major sources of fiscal and nonphysical resources for the school including business and community resources must be analyzed and identified (Anonymous author, 2001). The financial and material assets must be managed, as well as capital goods and services, allocating resources according to district or school priorities (Anonymous author, 2001). Policy development includes an efficient budget planning process that is driven by district and school priorities and involves the staff and community. A strong leadership quality is the ability to identify and organize resources to achieve curricular and instructional goals (Anonymous author, 2001). Research indicates that the process of planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating a district budget must be analyzed, and techniques and organizational skills necessary to lead and manage a complex and diverse organization must be demonstrated (Anonymous author, 2001). Furthermore, policy development includes the planning and scheduling of one's own and others' work so that resources are used appropriately, and short- and long-term priorities and goals are met (Anonymous author, 2001). Policy development lies at the basis for a successful learning institution where the needs and goals of students, teachers and the community are met. Research indicates that the decision a leader in a learning organization makes has a strong influence on what will or will not occur in classrooms throughout the country. The leader must take a results oriented approach, and frame, analyze, and resolve problems using appropriate problem solving techniques and decision making skills (Anonymous author, 2001). In this way, good decisions can be made by viewing events and problems from multiple perspectives, and through the use of multiple sources of data to inform decisions. Additionally, decisions must be made based on the moral and ethical implications of policy options and political strategies (Anonymous author, 2001). Research indicates that the leader must recognize situations that require forcefulness and self-confidence in making decisions and delegate authority and responsibility clearly and appropriately to accomplish organization goals (Anonymous author, 2001). Finally, logical conclusions and making high quality, timely decisions must be based on the best available information. According to Marks and Printy (2003), the decision making tasks to be accomplished encompass those of supervision and evaluation of instruction, of staff development activities, of curriculum development knowledge and activities, of group development knowledge and activities, of action research, of development of a positive school climate, and of the creation of links between school and community. Technical skills include goal setting, assessment and planning, instructional observation, research and evaluation; whereas, interpersonal skills are those of communication, motivation, decision making, problem solving, and conflict management (Marks & Printy, 2003). In order to meet the rapidly changing needs of our students, teachers must be given the authority to make appropriate instructional decisions. Therefore, the basis for school leadership must include teachers and parents, as well as the principal, in the role of problem finding and problem identification (Marks & Printy, 2003). Youngs and King (2002) state that a prominent way in which leaders shape school conditions and teaching practices is through their beliefs and actions regarding teacher professional development. Individual teacher competence is necessary for effective classroom practice, and that teachers must be able to integrate knowledge of students, subject matter, and teaching context in planning out units and lessons and assessing student work (Youngs & King, 2002). The studies discussed by Youngs and King examine the relationship of capacity to instructional quality and student achievement, finding that effective school leaders can sustain high levels of capacity by building trust, creating structures that promote teacher learning, assist in the implementation of general reforms. Their study results also suggest that during transitions in school leadership, incoming leaders must be cognizant of shared norms and values among their faculties before initiating new practices into the curriculum, instruction, or school organization (Youngs & King, 2002). Other research on the topic indicates that speaking with teachers in and outside of instructional conferences was the cornerstone of effective leadership (Blase, 1999). Organizational leaders in a school setting use five primary talking strategies with teachers to promote reflection: 1) making suggestions; 2) giving feedback; 3) modeling; 4) using inquiry and soliciting advice and opinions; and 5) giving praise (Blase, 1999). Another important aspect of effective leadership is the promotion of teachers' professional growth with respect to teaching methods and collegial interaction about teaching and learning (Blase, 1999). According the to Blase study, effective instructional leaders used six teacher development strategies: 1) emphasizing the study of teaching and learning; 2) supporting collaboration efforts among educators; 3) developing coaching relationships among educators; 4) encouraging and supporting redesign of programs; 5) applying the principles of adult learning, growth, and development to all phases of staff development; and 6) implementing action research to inform instructional decision making. The study results found that school leaders that were effective provided former staff development opportunities to address emergent instructional needs. These opportunities resulted in innovation and creativity, variety in teaching, risk taking and positive responses to student diversity as well as effects on motivation, efficacy and self-esteem (Blase, 1999). Monitoring of Organizational Progress Finally, a core leadership skill of a learning organization is the continual monitoring of the school's progress. The studies discussed by Youngs and King (2002) reach the conclusion that school leaders can affect achievement indirectly by establishing a mission or set of goals and building school-wide commitment to them. As a result, higher student achievement can be associated with higher levels of school professional community and program coherence (Youngs & King, 2002). Along with monitoring the school's goals and mission, leaders must continue to facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision and strategic plan for the school that places student and faculty learning at the center (Anonymous author, 2001). The leader of a learning organization must align instructional objectives and curricular goals with the shared vision and articulate the district's or school's vision, mission and priorities to the community (Anonymous author, 2001). The learning organization must be understood as a political system, relating the vision, mission, and goals to the welfare of students, and its' leader must articulate and reinforce that vision in written and spoken communications. In this way, a positive school culture for learning is created, along with conditions that enhance the staff's desire and willingness to focus energy on achieving educational excellence (Anonymous author, 2001). Finally, the leader must model professionalism, collaboration and continuous learning in order to successfully monitor the organizations progress. Learning to become a leader of an learning organization is a complex, multidimensional task. If school leaders believe that growth in student learning is the primary goal of schooling, then it is a task worth learning. In today's rapidly changing world that means becoming a leader of leaders by learning and working with teachers, students, and parents to improve instructional quality. Goal setting and problem solving become site-based, collective collaborative activities. The leadership of the principal is pivotal in ensuring that the process is informed of all school issues, especially those that relate to student instruction. As indicated by the literature available, policy development, decision making, professional development and progress monitoring are all key areas for leadership. If these areas are enhanced by strong leadership qualities, the future of the educational system will remain very bright. Additional studies on the leadership skills and strategies necessary to effectively lead a learning organization will assist in determining the next steps of our future leaders.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Providing equal opportunity for employment Essay

RECRUITMENT GUIDE Chern’s will provide equal opportunity for employment to all persons regardless of any discrimination based race, color, sex, religion, origin, age or disability and will strive to achieve full and equal employment opportunity throughout its organization. Steps 1)Identify Job openings through human resource planning/ strategic plan. Any Employee resignations/terminations could be helpful in identifying any internal job openings. 2) Develop position requirement by specifying job description/ job specifications. Identify job duties and responsibilities in it keeping in mind essential functions of the job which are critical for the position (minimum requirement or any preferred qualification). 3) Develop the recruiting plan for posting period and placement goals and implement it. 4) Post the position and build the diverse pool of application. Develop and use application forms- One type of application form that can be used to predict performance is a biographical information blank (BIB) also known as biodata form which is a detailed job application form requesting biographical data found to be predictive of success on the job, about the background, experiences, and preferences. Respond is the score. They are good as they are difficult to fake. 5) Review application material and develop the short list. Recruiting from within the organization ( As Chern’s believes in internal recruiting so they could use different internal recruiting methods like – Job posting( Notifying current employees about Vacant positions. Alternatively, Skills inventories ensure that internal candidates are identified and considered for transfer or promotion when opportunities arise). Some of the outside recruiting sources could be employee referrals as employees get bonuses if they refer someone. Alternatively, contacting former employees someone who already has worked with a company and had better knowledge of its culture and expectations. Educational institutions and online recruiting are best when the budget is low. One of the priority could be to hire a more diverse group. 6) Interview selected applicant- ask the only job-related questions, document selection process. The interview process is crucial. The approaches described below are simple, good practice and are relevant to the majority and minority candidates. * Develop questions based on the required and preferred skills and qualifications listed in the Job Description (JD). Candidates will respond differently based on work history, experience and skill level. * Be sure to ask the same set of core questions, listen carefully and allow candidates to respond adequately. Be prepared for candidates questions. The primary objective of the interview is to determine if the candidate can perform specific duties. * Take good notes during the meeting and immediately after, documenting the responses and job-related criteria. * Review duties and responsibilities of the job using the JD, individual qualifications, work history, relevant experience/training/educational background, career goals, travel requirements, equipment used and facilities, hours required, attendance requirements, performance expectations, any on-the-job training and staff development opportunities. * Identify potential management candidates clearly on interview notes. 7) Select finalist and verify job-related credentials- conducting reference checks 8) Make contingent job offer- request background check and education verification. 9) Close the notice of vacancy. 10) Schedule and conduct new employee processing. B) INCREASE FAIRNESS PERCEPTION When recruitment process is fair, and recruiters treat all applicants honestly and respectfully, it improves the chances of applicants accepting an offer for the job. The recruitment process should be relevant to the job and be consistent across all applicants. Make sure hiring is done to fill a real vacancy. It should be easy for candidates to apply.Also, explain the recruitment process to the applicant and give them the opportunity to show why they should be hired. Clear job description could help avoid discrimination of any sort. All applicants should be treated fairly throughout the selection and hiring process. High levels of fairness maintained throughout the recruitment process give Chern the best chance of recruiting top talent. Keep applicants informed of their progress or lack of progress through the process. Interviews should be conducted using standardized, approved methods with all questions to be predetermined by management. According to Stan M. Gully and Jean M. Phillips, authors of Strategic Staffing, there are three types of perceptions of fairness that applicants can feel related to a company’s recruitment and selection process. These are distributive, procedural and interactional fairness. Distributive is similar to how fair an applicant feels the hiring or promotion system is. Procedural refers to candidates beliefs that a company’s policies and procedures that guide the hiring or promotion decision were fair. It Includes the screening tools, tests, interview process as it relates to personality or integrity tests. Interactional fairness has to do with an applicant’s perception of treatment during the hiring process. If an applicant is no longer considered to be hired, they s hould be informed about is as soon as possible. Candidates feel important and create a positive image for those companies who follow them up on their applications and interview. When these things do not occur, the employer may find that there have been negative spillover effects as a consequence. When someone has a positive experience, he or she tells others and view the organization in a positive light. The same is true with a negative experience. The issue is that when someone does have a negative experience, he or she is much more likely to tell others about the experience and to discontinue association with the company. A good recruiter should be open to giving as well as receiving feedback. When using internal or external recruiters, Chern should ensure that the recruiter possesses characteristics that support candidates having a positive experience. These include being familiar with the position as well as the company. A recruiter who cannot answer questions about the job they are recruiting for or the company appears incompetent to the applicant, and this image is then attached to the company as well. Active listening skills, enthusiasm, intelligence, and trustworthiness all reflect well on the company. C and D) EMPLOYER BRAND Chern’s should define its mission and values that would flow through its employer branding communications. An ideal branding mission would be to inspire and influence others to connect with organizations core values. Like, Creating an environment where everyone feels welcome. Numerous methods could help in branding. Use of technology Digital marketing could attract new applicants as well engage and to retain the old one. Use of social media like facebook, twitter, and other sites helps the company to attract talent and reach masses. Employees who perform well and are there in the company from long can share their experiences through these sites or create their blog to let new candidates know what their experiences and success and failure stories have been so far. It would help talent connect and understand company’s culture. Photographs of any main events or about company’s environment could also be posted to drive traffic and interaction. It provides clear view of the organization. Communicating the brand image to employees from recruitment, into orientation and throughout their time with Chern’s will lead to the stronger brand image in the industry. It creates a positive image in their mind and makes them feel valued. What does company stand for should be listed on career page, known by all staff? Promote the family-oriented image the company holds with current employees and provide benefits that fit their needs will support the brand image. Having this firmly rooted family oriented foundation is the structure that supports employee empowerment and provides evidence of how the company values their people. When employees can understand the direction of their employer, see evidence that the employer cares about their well-being, they provide the best word of mouth advertising.